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  The side dots(position markers) are cut on the drill press. The little vise is clamped in position, and we can move the fretboard back and forth, yet the holes will all be drilled on the same plane.  The dots themselves are made by inserting and gluing a dowel into the holes, and cutting them flush.      
  Neat, eh? Apart from frets, the fretboard is now complete, I decided not to use dots or other markers on the surface, as I prefer the clean look of a nude fretboard.  Back at the neck, a template is fastened to the headstock, the tuner holes are drill, and then the headstock is cut to its final shape using a template following router bit.      
We're not going to have a volute on the DU guitar, but here's how I carve them, anyhow. The volute is drawn, then everything around it is carefully carved away. Not much to it, but it is rather tricky to do right. But, like I said, we won't have one, so that mess got milled off!

Now, we'll inlay the headplate, and then carve the neck!

 Stay tuned!

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